Interesting Data Gigs # 70: I need your feedback

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Interesting Resource of the Week: The Data Engineering Handbook by Zach Wilson

Today I wanted to share with you this amazing group of resources organized by Zach Wilson.

From books to podcasts to books to talks to papers, this will become “the place” to find the best resources related to Data Engineering.

Well done, Zach.

I need your feedback

This is issue # 70 and after more than a year of writing blindly about topics, ideas, and formats, I firmly believe I need your feedback.

My main goal with this project is to actually help you to find a better job in the Data space, and for that, I want to hear directly from you how can I adjust it to serve you better.

So, my ask here is very simple: Send me an email to [email protected] with your ideas, comments, feedback, and anything you think can help us improve the quality of this newsletter.

A big thank you for being there every single week, I really appreciate that.

Interesting resources of the week

Marcos out

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