Interesting Data Gigs # 75: Invest in yourself

Open positions at Early Warnings, Riot Games,, Glean, Gretel AI, Path and more

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Another week, another sad round of layoffs

Hey Data Geek. Today’s topic? Invest in yourself. It will pay off long term.

Just read what Zach Wilson wrote here:

There are 3 main things to understand here:

  • You are just a number for many companies out there, my friend. So: don’t take this personally. Yes, I know: this sucks; but you will be OK, especially if you have built a good network

  • Like Dominick Namis always shared here: always have your resume ready. Yes, you read right

  • Perhaps this is a sign to take the “self-employee/external consultant” route and build your own Data Analytics consulting business. Believe me: this path is more challenging but more rewarding in the long term

Suck it up my friend, and attack right now. This is not a time to be static or stuck in your career: level up your skills now, and collect the rewards on the long term.

It’s time.

Who is hiring this week?

Good luck with your job application

Recommendation of the week: Graph Algorithms for Data Science, by Tomaž Bratanic

If you love Graphs and Neo4j, this book is perfect for you

Interesting resources of the week

Tool of the week: CAST.AI

Marcos out


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